Developer Relations

Developer Relations

On this page


The high level strategy for Developer Relations at Strapi is to provide value for our community primarily through education, advocacy and community engagement on various fronts and through various programs:


An educated community is an empowered one! We're invested in helping our community level up as users of our tool and even more important as professionals. A rising tide lifts all the ships, we're committed to making sure that happens.

Advocacy We believe in listening to your community, as Developer Relations we intentionally create spaces for various forms of community advocacy to take place. The people burdened by a particular problem are the best people to tell you how to solve it. Community Engagement

Engagement is important for any functioning, our approach to engagement leans more towards enabling and creating links between our community members through how we engage with them. Connections are longstanding, likes not so much!

How to these three translate into work we put out?


Developer Programs and Platforms

Strapi Stars Program

The Strapi Stars Program is an initiative to empower active and resourceful Strapi community members and recognize them as Community leaders in different disciplines. This is a way for the Strapi team to get a feel of the wider community and likewise, a way for the wider community to get a feel of the Strapi team.


Write for the Community

This program allows to open source the contribution of educational content revolving around our product. So anyone can choose a tutorial topic to do from the list or suggest ideas according to their needs.


Twitch Streaming

As part of our commitment to being more community focused, we've commuting to running a Twitch channel for various forms of engagement namely:

  • Live Coding cum AMA (ask me anything) sessions with different teams on the Product Team.
  • Industry Events with Ecosystem Partners (previously hosted on Livestorm)

Monthly Community Call

A community call is an opportunity to highlight our community and product, the value they bring and the solutions developed with Strapi. . Community members besides using Discord for the occasional "hey I need help" don't actually interact with each other much or us.

Global Meetups

Our goal is to provide resources and support to everyone who wants to bring the community together by organizing Strapi meetups.


Strapi Recipes

These Recipes exist because some users faced the same problems again and again (create a slug system, schedule publication, draft system) so to not repeat ourselves via support, we created these Recipes. More:


DevRel GitHub Repositories