Learning & Development (Training) Policy

Learning & Development (Training) Policy

Subject: Learning & Development policy DRI: @Laurine RENELIER Last update: Q3 2024

Strapi’s values (Genuine Humility👂 and Measured Ambition 📈) support your growth. To help you accomplish your developmental goals, Strapi provides resources such as a learning budget and learning hours. You are encouraged to take ownership of your development and seek learning opportunities to help you succeed in your role, expand your knowledge and develop your skills.

Strapi believes that giving you the right support at the right moment can make a big difference in your personal and professional development.

You are encouraged to test, experiment, take risks, try new things, and pursue your mission. And if you make a mistake? Let's learn from it, and share your journey with the team (#failing-is-learning channel).

3 Types of Learning at Strapi


  • Budget: $27,500 (24 887€ in 2024; subject to annual review)
  • Includes: technical or soft-skill training.
  • Budget: $700 per team member (633€ in 2024)
  • Budget: $750 per year (679€ in 2024)

Individual Learning - Precisions

Strapi encourages Strapiers to use their training budget with Care & Ownership.

💡 Spending Framework: You may use your budget for any training that can help improve your professional performance and is aligned with Strapi 💎Values

Strapi fully encourages all formats of training and learning as long as it fits within the framework. In addition to technical, field-related training, you can also explore diversity, language, emotional intelligence, and personal development courses. Please consider what learning would be the most helpful in your role. E.g. courses for languages that are not used in your work are great developmental activities; however, there is probably training that would have a better direct impact on your success at Strapi. Any books purchased with your training budget will belong to you. You can use the budget also for subscription for learning or publishing platforms/apps.

🔎 You can verify your remaining budget in the Individual Learning dashboard anytime.

The learning budget is allocated for the calendar year. Any unused budget cannot be transferred to the following year.

Strapiers who joined during the year, receive an individual learning budget proportional to the number of calendar days between their start date and the end of the year.

Exception: if you have a specific project in mind that is more than the annual budget, you may allocate a portion of the current year's budget to the next year with the email approval of your Manager, VP Finance & @Laurine RENELIER
Strapiers in a leadership position (Level 8 or above) receive an extra $500 (452€ in 2024) monthly budget for coaching and management training sessions. Strapiers on track to receive a promotion to Level 8 may ask to get access to the “Leadership Coaching” 6 months before their official promotion date. The decision must be validated by their Manager, VP People and VP Finance.
Strapi has an ad hoc budget set aside. In certain circumstances, we may exceptionally increase the individual training budget.
🇫🇷 French employees only (CPF)

How to use the Individual Learning budget?

Find the training/conference/meetup/book/etc that fits within the framework.
Discuss with your Manager during 1:1 how this learning would contribute to your role and professional development.
Check in the Individual Learning dashboard to see if the training cost exceeds the budget you have left for this year. You can pay the remaining amount from your pocket if it does.
🇫🇷 French employees only (OPCO Atlas)
Any budget exceptions should be discussed with your Manager, VP Finance & @Laurine RENELIER before purchasing the learning.
Complete the form for #transparency and inspire others to use their learning budget
Form details
Make the purchase and submit the expense for reimbursement. Important: If the amount exceeds your remaining budget, enter the amount of your remaining budget, not the total amount paid.
Enjoy the learning experience!
Reflect on what you’ve learned, add a summary to the list, and post your key takeaways in the #learning channel.
For Managers

Learning Hours

Sometimes training requires more time than money. In addition to the training budget, Strapi offers each Strapier (excluding Interns) 40 hours (equivalent to 5 days, 1 day = 8 hours) to take off and dedicate to learning.

Strapiers who joined during the year can use a pro-rated number of hours. Everyone can check their balance in Zelt Time Planner.

Any unused time cannot be transferred to the following year.

Exception: if you have a specific project in mind that requires more than the annual dedicated time pot, you can allocate a portion of this year's time pot to next year with the email approval of your Manager, VP Finance & @Laurine RENELIER

How do I take learning hours/days off?

Find the training/conference/meetup/book/etc. that fits within the framework.
Discuss with your Manager during 1:1 how this learning would contribute to your role and professional development.
Check in the Zelt Time planner if the duration of the training doesn’t exceed the number of hours you have left for this year.
Before submitting the request, any exceptions should be discussed with your Manager & @Laurine RENELIER
Submit a time off request in Zelt (at least 14 days before training to ensure your team has enough time to organize work during your absence) → Add learning details in Notes (name, type of learning, short description, etc.)
Enjoy the learning experience!
Reflect on what you’ve learned, add a learning summary to the list, and post your key takeaways in#learning channel.
For Managers - learning time off request approval

Team Learning Budget

The Head of Department is responsible for managing Team training. However, feel free to take the initiative and propose the training you think the whole team could benefit from!

Head of Department - how to use Team learning budget

Global Learning Budget

People Team manages global training. You can check in the Compensation & Benefits Dashboard how much the budget is already spent.

If you have any idea for the training that the whole Strapi would benefit from, propose it to People Team in #learningchannel.

Training recommendations

Training attended by Strapiers
If you have any questions, please post them in #learning or contact @Marzena BRZOZKO