

Subject: Define the future of Strapi. DRI: @Pierre Burgy + @Victor Coisne @Aurélien GEORGET @Jim Laurie Last update/ review: June 2021 Expiration: -

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Today, the main advantages of Strapi are:

  • Self-hosted: Users can host Strapi on their own infrastructure.
  • Customizable: Developers can customize Strapi according to their needs. They can overwrite or extend both the admin panel and the API endpoint. Also, they can develop or install additional features through plugins.
  • Flexibility: Thanks to the Dynamic Zones and Components, the content structure of Strapi is very flexible. This allows developers to cover any use-case while giving the ability to content editors to manage content in an autonomous (they can create pages with components on the fly) and secure (the front-end developers create can expect the specified content structure) way.

Positioning (in 3 years)

When a company wants to use a new CMS, the decision is mostly made by the Product/Project Managers who are influenced by the:

  • Business: strategic needs and financial constraints.
  • Content Editors: they are the end-users and have requirements.
  • Developers: they are the ones who set up the CMS and are familiar with the different options so they have an important influence in the decision process.

The logic is the same for web agencies. For them, their clients are represented by both Business and Editors.

As we move forward, our key differentiators need to evolve. Offering great advantages for developers is important but not sufficient to convince companies.


Also, what made the success of traditional CMSes is the fantastic ecosystem of plugins they've built around them. These additional features or integrations enabled companies to extend CMSes while benefiting from plugins made by the community. It's gonna be the exact same story for Headless CMSes. Actually, it will be even more relevant since everything is based on APIs. Technology and Solution Partners are extremely important to build this ecosystem: Technology Partners will build integrations while Solution Partners will recommend Strapi for their projects and will eventually develop and share plugins.

For all these reasons, the key differentiators of Strapi will be:

  • An amazing Developer Experience (Create): That way, we double down on our bottom-up and developer-first approach.
  • A large and qualitative Ecosystem (Connect). Thanks to this, we build a product that evolves faster than we develop it.
  • A delightful Editing Experience (Collaborate). Because, at the end of the day, Content Editors are the ones who intensively use the CMS. They must enjoy it.


Since the beginning of Strapi, we've successfully embraced a bottom-up, developer-first, approach. We have to keep going in that direction. Having this strategy is the only way to reach our mission and a huge volume of users to become the CMS leader.

We must prioritize bottom-up vs. top-down: Focus on the developers, and let them influence the decision-making process when choosing a CMS.

We must prioritize usage vs. revenue: It is aligned with our mission and the revenue is a consequence of the usage, not the opposite.

3-year strategy

To move forward on our mission, our priorities in the next 3 years will be around 3 pillars: People, Usage, and Revenue.

  • People: It's all about people. We need to build a great, global, and diverse team of talented people who share our values.
    • Diversity & Inclusion: As Care is one of our core values, we want to build an inclusive work environment and a diverse team.
    • Remote: Since we're now a remote-first company, we must embrace this organization by improving our processes and creating a strong culture.
    • Talent: Quickly growing the team is a key factor of success for the company. We have the chance to be generously funded. We have to move fast to deliver quickly and reinforce our position.
    • Learning experience: As the company grows, Strapiers should individually grow as well. This is the best thing we can offer as a company.
  • Usage
    • Product:
      • Developer Experience (Create).
      • Ecosystem (Connect).
      • Editing Experience (Collaborate).
    • Community: As an open-source project, we have to embrace what open-source means. Making the source code available to everyone is one thing. We have to collaborate much more with the community and be transparent.
    • Partnership: CMSs are heavily used by web agencies and integrated with other solutions. We will build a strong network of Solution and Technology partners.
    • Awareness: We will deploy significant efforts to make Strapi well-known.
    • Brand: We will make Strapi recognized as a strong brand.
    • User Success: Our users will find solutions whenever they are struggling.
  • Revenue
    • Revenue model(s): We have to consolidate our existing Open Core business model and explore new possibilities if it makes sense for both Strapi and our customers.
    • Customer experience: Our customers must benefit from a delightful customer experience, from onboarding to off-boarding. We must make them successful with their projects.
    • Land and expand: The first sale with a customer is the beginning of a long journey. We want to make our customers successful and reinforce our collaboration with them.

Expansion (3+ years vision)

In the mid-term, our main priority must be the construction of an excellent CMS. As we move forward, we will have the opportunity to extend our product. This will be done by internalizing some services we are integrated with. That way, our users will have a seamless experience. Here are some categories we could internalize in the product:

  • Analytics (content marketing performance, personalized content, etc.).
  • Multi-format (text, pictures, video, audio, 3D, etc.).
  • Multi-platform editing (local, cloud, offline, web, desktop, mobile, etc).
  • E-commerce (integrations, e-commerce basic features, etc.).
  • Front-End (templates, in-line editor, website builder, etc.).
  • Etc.