Strapi logo colors
Our primary logo is declined on a Light & Dark versions to ensure legibility overall supports and backgrounds. The wordmark’s colors change according to the background, but the monogram remains the same.
✅ Always use HEX or RGB for Digital!
It's important that we keep our color use consistent. Be sure to use HEX or RGB color references to display the logo on all kind of digital devices.
✅ Always use CMJK for Print!
Use CMYK for any project design that will be physically printed, not viewed on a screen. Print colors can be not easy to manage, don’t hesitate to ask to a Graphic Designer for a check before to use this version of the logo.
🚫 Don’t use Strapi Light Blue for Strapi brand communication
The strapi light blue color, only exist for logo representation (print & digital) it is not part of our brand color scheme, please don’t use this color in your communications
Brand colors (for communication)
Primary colors
✅ Sail in Safe Colors!
If it’s a main communication keep it very basic and use this color palette!
Secondary colors
Full color palette
Gray scale
How to use colors in communication?
The blue color is related to: The main Strapi Brand identity, it is also specific for Strapi Product, Strapi Cloud and documentation content communication.
✅ Keep a high contrast
Make sure to keep a high contrast between your text/logo and the background
✅ Do
🚫 Don’t
The Purple is related to: Plugin marketplace & resources content communication
Strapiliant match & digital taste
The Yellow is related to: Gold Plan and Primer Partner content communication.
Strong contrast & prime feeling
The Green is related to: Community Partner and Financial content communication.
Natural vibes & positive growth
✅ Do
To ensure high contrast use the 600 colors for highlighted text, and 500 for other elements you want to highlight.
Colors combination examples:
✅ Do
🚫 Don’t